畫 廊


天問 領航

Tianwen-Lead the way

天問 領航


67 X 66cm



《天問 – 領航》是巫登益《天問》系列的開篇之作,融合東方文化寓意與西方藝術表現形式,展現了人類對宇宙的探索精神和對方向的思考。





《天問 – 領航》充分展現了人類對宇宙的敬畏與探索精神。紅色星球象徵引領方向的力量,地球則代表人類在宇宙中的追尋。巫登益透過這幅作品,將東西方藝術形式融會貫通,通過視覺語言呈現出對宇宙與生命本質的深刻探索。

Tianwen – Navigator is the opening piece of Wu Deng-yi’s Tianwen series, blending Eastern cultural symbolism with Western artistic expression to convey humanity’s spirit of exploration and search for direction in the universe.

“Navigator” symbolizes guidance and leadership, representing the search for a path in the unknown. The painting features a large red celestial body and Earth as its core symbols. The red celestial body, like a great cosmic entity, symbolizes power and mystery, contrasting sharply with Earth. This juxtaposition reflects humanity’s quest for direction and order within the vast cosmos, highlighting an unyielding pursuit of the universe’s secrets.

The work combines Eastern thought with Western techniques of color and composition. The red celestial body represents a reverence for cosmic forces, while Earth symbolizes human existence and exploration. This contrast embodies the duality present in the universe. The piece utilizes vivid color contrasts and abstract depictions of mist, creating a sense of the universe’s vastness and mystery, enhancing the visual impact.

As the series’ introduction, Navigator not only portrays the grandeur of the cosmos but also expresses humanity’s longing to explore the unknown. Humanity seeks its place in the vast universe, yearning for direction. The red celestial body acts as a guiding light, leading life on Earth through the unknown.

This piece exemplifies the fusion of Eastern and Western artistic elements, employing contemporary techniques to showcase the universe’s grandeur and beauty through color and structure. This blend imbues the work with cultural depth and delivers a powerful contemporary visual impact.

Tianwen – Navigator captures humanity’s awe and spirit of exploration toward the universe. The red celestial body symbolizes the guiding force, while Earth represents the human quest within the cosmos. Wu Dengyi seamlessly merges Eastern and Western artistic forms, using visual language to present a profound exploration of the universe and the essence of life.



