畫 廊


天問 – 光輝

Tianwen – Brilliance


66 x 67cm



《天問 – 光輝》是巫登益《天問》系列中的作品,展現了人類探索宇宙的宏大主題。藝術家在作品中融入現代科技元素,以深刻的光影效果創造出壯觀的宇宙場景,星雲與星際雲氣交織而成的景象,象徵著人類對浩瀚宇宙的探索。畫面中的橙色、紫色、藍色和白色交織,營造出神秘而廣闊的宇宙氛圍,表達了人類面對未知時的敬畏與好奇。



《天問 – 光輝》通過現代科技與宇宙探索的結合,展現了巫登益對人類與宇宙對話的深入思考。作品以色彩、光影和構圖描繪人類在宇宙中的位置和追尋,既充滿文化深度,又具備強烈的當代視覺衝擊力,表達出現代社會對未知世界的探索精神。


Tianwen – Brilliance is a piece from Wu Deng-yi’s Tianwen series, highlighting the grand theme of humanity’s exploration of the universe. The artist incorporates modern technological elements, using dramatic light and shadow effects to create a breathtaking cosmic scene. The interplay of nebulae and interstellar clouds symbolizes humanity’s curiosity about the vast expanse of space. The combination of orange, purple, blue, and white hues creates an atmosphere of mystery and immensity, capturing the awe and curiosity that the unknown evokes.

The spacecraft depicted in the painting symbolizes the advancement of modern technology and humanity’s venture into space. It floats amidst the cosmos, contrasting with the distant planets, representing the smallness and fearlessness of humans in the boundless universe. This imagery reflects humanity’s quest to find its place in the infinite cosmos, exploring the mysteries of the universe from a contemporary perspective.

Wu Deng-yi employs abstract brushstrokes and vivid colors to depict the grandeur of nebulae and cosmic light, breaking the boundaries of traditional painting. The artwork is infused with a dynamic energy, its colors and composition rich with tension, reflecting the spirit of freedom and innovation in contemporary art. The solitary spacecraft hints at the resilience and solitude of humanity in the vastness of space, illustrating a relentless pursuit of self-discovery and cosmic truths in the face of technological progress.

Tianwen – Brilliance combines modern technology with the theme of space exploration, expressing Wu Deng-yi’s deep reflection on the dialogue between humanity and the universe. Through its use of color, light, and composition, the artwork captures the quest for understanding our place within the cosmos. It blends cultural depth with a powerful contemporary visual impact, embodying the spirit of modern society’s exploration of the unknown.





