畫 廊








《天問 – 璀璨銀河》是巫登益《天問》系列中的一幅作品,通過對宇宙的描繪,展現了人類對星空的敬畏與探索精神。作品以“璀璨銀河”為核心主題,表達了對浩瀚宇宙的思考,並賦予銀河獨特的象徵意義。銀河象徵著廣闊與永恆,“璀璨”則強調了其耀眼的光芒與美麗。這幅作品中的銀河不僅展示了宇宙的壯麗和神秘,也代表了人類對未知世界的無盡渴望,象徵著對宇宙真理的追尋。



《天問 – 璀璨銀河》運用了當代藝術的手法,通過強烈的色彩對比、光影效果以及流動的筆觸,展示了銀河的動感與力量。現代視覺語言與傳統文化的思考相結合,體現了東西方文化的融合與對話。作品不僅呈現了銀河的視覺奇觀,也透過銀河的秩序與運動,表達了人類對宇宙法則的深刻探索與思考。

Tianwen – Radiant Galaxy is a work from Wu Deng-yi’s Tianwen series, portraying humanity’s awe and spirit of exploration towards the cosmos. The piece centers on the theme of the “Radiant Galaxy,” reflecting on the vastness of the universe while imbuing the galaxy with unique symbolism. The galaxy represents boundlessness and eternity, while its “radiance” emphasizes dazzling light and beauty. It not only showcases the grandeur and mystery of the universe but also symbolizes humanity’s endless curiosity and pursuit of cosmic truths.

The artwork is filled with vibrant contrasts and dynamic movement, with colorful lines of nebulae, stars, and the galaxy flowing across the canvas. Yellow nebulae, purple planets, and the luminous galaxy band create striking focal points, conveying the majestic and mysterious nature of the universe. The use of color not only interprets the spectacular cosmic scenery but also reflects the dynamic energy of contemporary art. The interplay of light and shadow creates a sense of the universe’s vastness and fluidity, allowing viewers to experience the movement of stars and the transformation of energy.

A bright band of light runs through the center of the composition, representing the order and harmony of celestial movement. This glowing line highlights the galaxy’s splendor while suggesting the stable systems that operate within the cosmos. The stretching expanse and shimmering glow of the galaxy evoke reflections on time, space, and the essence of life, inviting contemplation of humanity’s place in the infinite universe.

Tianwen – Radiant Galaxy employs contemporary artistic techniques, using vivid color contrasts, dynamic lighting, and fluid brushwork to portray the energy and motion of the galaxy. The piece blends modern visual language with cultural introspection, bridging Eastern and Western perspectives. It not only presents the visual wonders of the galaxy but also explores the underlying cosmic order, offering a deep reflection on humanity’s quest to understand the universe。




