
Wu Dengyi Art +

Wu Dengyi Art






巫登益 X『茵芙瑞特』

台灣新創品牌『茵芙瑞特』—— 遠紅外線保溫水瓶和魔法保濕噴瓶 於本月12日下午2點於台北101大樓32樓與「巫登益美術館」舉辦盛大的品牌合作發布會。活動當天品牌發布會中巫登益美術館正式授權「茵芙瑞特」,由當代彩墨藝術大師巫登益為「茵芙瑞特」創作當代彩墨畫作,共同開發一款當代彩墨藝術保溫水瓶。


巫登益當代意象彩墨作品 X 科技文創產品

浮夢桃花源 Dream in the Peach Blossom Spring





The mountains in the distance and the water nearby merge in one color and one form. The mountains and waters seem to be transforming into each other, from solid to liquid. It can be seen but it is not possible to be touched. It is visible yet invisible, which is like in a dream. A person is in a boat and break in someone’s peach blossom garden by mistake. The egrets are startled.



雲瀑藏雅士 Clouds and Waterfall





The ever-changing mountain peaks go from far to near and slop down from the upper right corner of the picture to the bottom. It looks close, but it is actually far. The peaks are covered by white clouds and waterfalls, which is hard for us to take the direction and measure the distance. It seems that there is an elegant house located in the mountain and they enjoy the peace and quiet of the world.