

contemporary exhibition


Wu Deng-yi’s Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition

The enigmatic and fantastical mountains and rocks symbolize a significant breakthrough in Wu Deng-yi’s recent artistic style. As an accomplished artist with well-honed painting techniques, Wu Deng-yi synthesizes classical and contemporary elements through continuous refinement.

Examining the character “崎” (Qi), surprisingly, Wu Deng-yi perfectly activates recent artistic endeavors and the evolving relationship with his creations. The ever-curious elder artist, akin to an

inquisitive child, daily observes the tangible reality and envisions the fantastical world constructed by his brain. Wrestling with internal conflicts, he attempts to eliminate elements ingrained over time, elements that have nurtured and symbolized his emotions and attitudes. Examples include the lofty and austere pavilion and the simple yet resilient boat navigating forward. Facing this challenging decision, he opts to distance himself from the artwork, allowing viewers to freely interpret the world he has crafted. This thoughtful and creative process undoubtedly follows a rugged path – the more landscapes observed along this journey, the more difficult the choices become.

The artistic conception of landscapes originates from within, and Wu Deng-yi’s curiosity and patient pursuit of breakthroughs manifest in the high recognizability, visual readability, and imaginative spatial elements of his works. Meticulously composed compositions, a sense of distance achieved through enlargement and contraction, and the fusion of color and ink in creating fantastical, surreal spaces underscore his dedication. In Wu Deng-yi’s mind, landscapes are a contemporary philosophical contemplation, exploring, showcasing, and questioning the reality and reliability of the world we inhabit through art. This introspection is vividly expressed in his artworks, where his almost obsessive depictions of mountains and rocks suggest tangible forms infused with invisible, boundless growth and eruptive energy.

The uniqueness of mountains lies in their existence, akin to the ancient mythical masterpiece “Shan Hai Jing,” which, though regarded as ancient mythology, fundamentally served as an exploration record of ancient geography. Mythology, transcending mere existence, is a creation of human curiosity and imagination. Artists are the creators of mythology, and Wu Deng-yi, in his creative process, continuously questions himself and reminds the world that, by removing specific narratives, backgrounds, and temporal and spatial contexts, what insights can be gleaned from the immutable yet ever-changing mountains and rocks? How can the ancient and enduring yet constantly evolving mountains and rocks inspire us?

In his recent years of artistic creation, Wu Deng-yi is presenting a scroll of “Contemporary Shan Hai Jing.” As the scroll unfolds, human traces slowly recede, returning to the pure enigma of mountains and rocks. Within this realm, one can read about which time, which location, or which universe?

Wu Deng-yi’s International Touring Exhibition of Works

放眼國際 ,以世界為標的

巫登益美術館於2021年開始規劃在世界各地巡展,四月時於台北啟航,此後赴北京、上海、澳門、東京、首爾、紐約等60餘個城市。進行國際巡展是華人藝術的創舉,顯現了巫登益在國際藝術領域的重要地位。巫登益長年潛心於繪畫創作,吸收東西方傳統與現代繪畫精髓,不斷精進,形成獨特的巫登益彩墨風格,其作品展演於世界各地,包含《國立歷史博物館-當代書畫美國五年巡迴展》、《澳門國際書畫藝術展》、《雅加達藝術線上ART MONENT ONLINE JARKARTA 藝術博覽會》等國際展覽。除此之外,2021年巫登益首次參展十月份於台北世貿一館舉辦的「ART TAIPEI台北國際藝術博覽會」(簡稱台北藝博),展出藝術家40餘件彩墨作品,歷時三年創作的巨幅長卷〈江山帝景〉也在本屆展會中首次公開亮相,成為各大媒體爭相報導的焦點。近年來,華人藝術家在拍賣市場中受到高度的關注,根據知名國際藝術媒體Artnet《2020年中國文物藝術品全球拍賣統計》報導,近兩年在疫情影響全球經濟發展的情況下,書畫相關藝術作品在大陸、香港、臺灣的拍賣市場上,仍有不錯的成績,並未因疫情而有所影響。值得關注的是,亞洲藝術家的崛起,在佳士得、蘇富比、保利的重要拍場中,吸引不少亞洲藏家爭相競標,華人藝術家在歐洲藝術市場的表現,也有著可觀的成長與發展空間。特別是像巫登益先生的作品其風格中西合璧、清新脫俗,不僅受到華人地區的藏家喜愛,也帶給西方藝術愛好者有別於以往的東方藝術表現,並以放眼國際為目標,透過作品豐富觀眾的視野與色彩。在藝術品的拍賣市場上作品若有完整的注錄及豐富展歷被視為一項重要紀錄,進而影響作品起拍價及藏家購買的考量之一。巫登益的作品將於世界知名藝術博覽會及各國巡迴展出,相信未來在拍賣市場中將不斷創下高價,在藝壇中必能有著深遠的影響。
