Monthly Archives: September 2021

Wu Deng-yi – A Beautiful World Works Appreciation

當代彩墨巨擘 巫登益 以天地為師,在寫實與想像間,⾏雲流⽔, 創作出⼀幅幅雋永畫作。 作品取之⾃然,回映⼤地,讓我們⼀同在彩墨與真實景緻中, 欣賞巫登益的彩墨⾵華。 Contemporary color ink giant Wu Deng-yi Taking heaven and earth as a teacher, between reality and imagination, the clouds and waters flow, Create timeless paintings. The works are taken from nature and reflect the earth, let us together in the color ink and the real scenery, Admire Wu Deng-yi’s