Author Archives: supervisor01

Appreciation of Wu Deng-yi’s Contemporary Color and Ink Works 《The Timeless Way of Tao is to be Obedient to the Nature》

大蘊而行 The Timeless Way of Tao is to be Obedient to the Nature 2018,65 X 64 cm 彩墨紙本 Ink & Color on Paper In this work, Mr. Deng Yi used the simulacrum of the sky and the morning seascape to create a grand and abstract realm of heaven and earth. The painting room is dyed

Wu Deng-yi’s Color and Ink Art Cross-Strait and International Touring Exhibition Officially Launched

Celebrities and social leaders attended the “Taipei Station” Torch Launching Ceremony In the beautiful season of spring, this news from the Chinese art world is particularly attractive. April 9, 2021, will surely be a day worth recording in the art world. Located in Taipei 101, the landmark of Taiwan, the Wu Dengyi Art Museum grandly